Friday, November 19, 2004

Change of mind, or what's left of it..

I've decided to take my blog in a completely different direction. It's no longer going to be the usual "Rant Page" one finds so pervasive in the "Blogosphere", but rather a bunch of brain droppings that collect as my life has changed in that I am currently living in San Diego bay on a boat. The owner is my best friend (Name witheld for privacy) who has bailed me out so many times in the past that one wonders at how a single individual could possibly have so much patience.

I'm going to attempt to update this regulary, as so many folks who start blogs tell themselves, so we will all see how serious I am about my life's direction...think of it as a thermometer for my ambition, but in the process I can only hope that SOMEBODY gets something usefull out of it, if only a couple of laughs at the follies of an old man stuck in the self created hole clawing his way into the flow of "real life".

Friday, November 12, 2004

The primary difference...

Here we are in the throws of Democratic unrest once more. Never before in my recallection has so much mud been cast by so many from so few sides. Sadly though, the way that we define the Presidential race breaks down primarily between those who like Bush and those who are against him, with only a few "true believers" actually being for Kerry...

The only thing in all of this that I DO know thus far is that the old addage I love holds true...

"The primary difference between genius and stupidity
is that genius has it's limits."

...genius, it would seem, is not what people are looking for amongst the dyed in the wool Kerry supporters if they can choke down his voting record, his connection to France and China and his on again/off again perfect recallection of his War Record.